Wie man IPTV auf Roku mit einem einfachen Trick installiert

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for installing IPTV on Roku. To do this, we need to “sideload” the IPTV app onto your Roku device. You’ll also need a computer to download the IPTV app file and transfer it to your Roku.

Using another IPTV-Spieler, like TiviMate, you can watch IPTV on Roku by casting it on your device. Alternatively, IPTV-Smarter is one of the best IPTV Players and is compatible with hundreds of IPTV services.

Let’s break the process into four easy-to-follow parts:

  1. Enabling Developer Options on Roku.

  2. Hinzufügen der IPTV-Smarter channel.

  3. Downloading the IPTV Smarters package on your computer.

  4. Installing IPTV Smarters on Roku.

Wie man IPTV auf Roku mit einem einfachen Trick installiert

Part 1: Enabling Developer Options on Roku

1.Activate Developer Mode:

    • On your Roku remote, press the following buttons in order: Home Button x3, Up Arrow x2, Right Arrow x1, Left Arrow x1, Right Arrow x1, Left Arrow x1, Right Arrow x1, Left Arrow x1, Right Arrow x1.

    • If done correctly, the Developer Options menu will appear on your Roku screen.

Enabling Developer Options on Roku

2. Write Down the IP Address:

    • Note the IP address displayed on the screen.

Enabling Developer Options on Roku

3. Enable Developer Mode:

    • Wählen Sie Enable installer and restart (if you see “Disable,” it means Developer Mode is already enabled).

Enabling Developer Options on Roku

4. Agree to the Terms:

    • Scroll through the Developer Tools License Agreement and select I Agree.

    • Use the on-screen keyboard to create a web server password. You will need this password later.


Enabling Developer Options on Roku

5. Set a Password and Reboot:

    • Select a Set password and reboot to complete this part.


Enabling Developer Options on Roku

Part 2: Adding the IPTV Smarters Channel

1. Log In to Your Roku Account:

    • On your computer, go to my.roku.com.

    • Enter your Roku account credentials and click Submit.

Adding the IPTV Smarters Channel
Adding the IPTV Smarters Channel

2. Add IPTV Smarters Channel:

    • Wählen Sie Add channel with a code under the “Manage account” section.

    • Type iptvsmarters into the box and ensure the spelling is correct.

    • Klicken Sie auf Add Channel.


3. Confirm the Addition:

    • When prompted with a warning message, click OK.

    • On the next popup, select Yes, add channel.




Part 3: Downloading IPTV Smarters Package on Your Computer

1. Download the File:

  • Besuchen Sie this link to download the IPTV Smarters package.

2. Save the File:

  • Save the downloaded file to an easily accessible location on your computer, such as the Desktop.

Save the File: Save the downloaded file to an easily accessible location on your computer, such as the Desktop.

Part 4: Installing IPTV Smarters on Roku

1. Access the Roku Developer Interface:

    • Open a browser on your computer and enter the IP address you wrote down earlier.

2.Sign In:

    • Use the credentials:

      • Benutzername: rokudev

      • Kennwort: Enter the web server password you created earlier.

    • Klicken Sie auf Sign in.

Installing IPTV Smarters on Roku

3.Upload the File:

    • On the next page, click Upload.

    • Navigate to the location where you saved the IPTV Smarters package, select it, and click Öffnen Sie.

Installing IPTV Smarters on Roku

4. Install the Package:

        • Klicken Sie auf Installieren Sie after the file uploads.

        • If successful, you will see a confirmation screen.

Installing IPTV Smarters on Roku

5. Launch IPTV Smarters:

    • On your Roku, the IPTV Smarters app will now be available. Open it and log in with your IPTV credentials.

Installing IPTV Smarters on Roku

6. Test the App:

    • Navigate through the IPTV Smarters interface to ensure it works correctly and loads your IPTV services.

Installing IPTV Smarters on Roku

7. Enjoy Your Content:

    • Start streaming your favorite channels and shows on your Roku.

Installing IPTV Smarters on Roku


Congratulations! You have successfully installed IPTV Smarters on your Roku device. With this setup, you can now enjoy a seamless IPTV experience. If you want to learn how to use IPTV Smarters to access various IPTV-Dienste, click here for additional guidance.

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